Children are provided with a school book bag and water bottle free of charge.
Our school uniform requirements are:
Navy/Black/Grey trousers/shorts/skirts
Navy/Black/Grey or Blue checked dresses
Navy school hooded sweatshirt with logo, crew-neck sweatshirt with logo or cardigan with logo
Plain white/pale blue or navy polo shirt/blouse
Comfortable footwear. Velcro fastenings for younger children are preferred to enable them to be independent. Trainers my be worn instead of shoes if preferred.
PE kit:
Sky blue t-shirt with school logo
Black shorts/joggers
Training shoes
Sky blue hooded sweatshirt with logo (optional)
Forest School
Forest School clothing for children in Class One and Class Two is needed in school weekly. Please ensure that your child has:
In cold weather:
Warm jumper/sweatshirt
Long trousers/joggers
Warm coat
Warm hat
Please note no scarves as they can be a potential hazard
Wellington boots
In warm weather:
Long sleeve t-shirt (to stop nettle stings and scratches)